To be productive and successful within a team, make sure you know what’s important to you – know your values, know what drives you.
In my previous post, I explained how you can become successful as an individual when the organization you for is organized around teams. A simple model is the basis for individual success in teams, consisting of three circles: 1. you and your talent, 2. you and the team you work with, 3. you and the organization you work in

Model by Menno R. van Dijk
In this post, I’ll zoom in on the inner circle. In the center of the model for individual success in teams is you. With the help of some practical tips and exercises, you can become “The I in Win”.
There are three elements in the center:
1. your values that define success to you (what drives you)
2. your talents that you can use to be successful (what makes you unique)
3. your experience that you have built up in using your talent (what you know and did)
Let’s start with Values. Understanding your values can be very useful in making important decisions in your life. Your values are like an inner GPS-navigation system, that guides you towards the right way. You can choose not to listen – but you will probably not get to where you want to go.
Some of my core values are being creative and making things better. These are the values that helped me in writing my book on Super7 Operations.
There are several simple and effective exercises available to help you to get a clear view on your values. One that I particularly like is this one:
- Imagine that you get € 50 million. What would you do? Think about this for a minute. Then take your time to write this down, so you can read it back later
- What makes the things you wrote down so nice, important or valuable? Write this down too
- After you did the first two steps: it’s not about the money, if you’re honest. What you’ve written down is what’s important to you, and what you want to achieve. This helps you understand your values
Change is needed on how individuals and organizations see and reward success. You as an individuals need to know what defines success for you. You can do this on your own, or with the help of specialized coaching. And organizations need to recognize unique talents within teams, and reward them proportionally.
Menno R. van Dijk